Night 1- in the books

Welp guys! I survived Night 1 of my shots! (And yes, I still have that song in my head every time I think about SHOTS lol)
Tonight, Friday, Saturday, & Sunday my dosages are: 225iu Follistim & 3 menopur.
We are definitely hitting the ground running! Last time, he kinda eased me into that big of a dosage (I started with 100iu Follostim & 1 menopur, if I remember correctly). I don’t think I was up to these numbers until about day 10. But I guess he knows this combo of meds definitely works on me, so why not go full force?
Here’s a pic of my meds all set-up & ready to go on the top, my tummy before all the pricks start on the left (I wanted a memento I guess lol), and then right after the shot on the right.


You can see a little redness under my belly button, but it’s really not bad at all. The needle is really sharp, so that’s awesome…but it’s also really small so it takes for-ev-ERR (name that movie) for the juice to finish. So that kinda hurts, but oh well.
The good thing about this combo of meds is that I can mix them together & only give myself ONE shot per night! HOLLA!!! Score one for the home team! 🙂

I’ll prob post an update after my next blood work & ultrasound appointment on Monday…and maybe a pic. I should be nice & bruisy by then! lol

Nighty Night!
Keep those prayers a comin’!!


“Shots! Shots! Shots! Everybody!!”

Due to the uncharacteristic DEEP FREEZE happening in South Louisiana right now, I was able to switch my check-up from today to yesterday. We were really just getting a feel for how my follicles are looking, so the date didn’t really matter.

Everything’s looking GREAT! No cysts!!! YEA! And my follicles are looking like they’re ready to start getting juiced up! (Meaning, I go back Thursday for more blood work & an ultrasound to determine my first dosages of the injectable meds) I can’t get that ridiculous rap song “Shots, shots, shots!” out of my head! LOL

So, that’s where we are! For reference, last time, I took the injectable medications (shots! lol) for 13 days before my egg retrieval, then the embryo transfer was 5 days after that. So we’re looking at possible retrieval surgery being a little before Valentine’s Day (sooooo romantic!!!) & the transfer happening later that week 🙂 

Please keep those prayers coming! And please stay SAFE & WARM throughout this Polar-Vortex-Wintery-Mix-ness!!!

In the mean time..THIS—  If it’s gotta be in my head, it’s gotta be in yours too!  hahaha You’re welcome LOL

Diet Do’s & Don’ts

Hey gals!
I’ve seen some “buzz” around the fertility blogosphere recently about things we should or shouldn’t eat when TTC.
I read a book last year called “The Fertility Diet.”  It was very insightful; I highly recommend it to anyone trying to boost her chances of ovulation & fertility. I had asked my doctor about it, and he said that although technically (through treatments) I’m medically ovulating, these tips definitely couldn’t hurt!

So I wanted to share the “Summary Page” that I kept on my phone as a quick reference. There’s a chapter or two explaining each one of these “rules.” So if you have any questions, let me know; and I’ll look it up for you!! 🙂
I hope this helps!
If you’d like more info on the book, here’s the link that I purchased it from:

Much love!



A hard pill to swallow…

Hey guys!
No real “update” to post…just kinda RANTING…
Have you ever seen a One-A-Day pre-natal vitamin? Talk about B-I-G!!!  Some of you may know that I’ve always had trouble swallowing pills… I have gotten significantly better at it throughout the years…but OH.EM.GEE. are these things HUGE!!!
I’ve gotten to the point where I can handle the yellow one, but the pink one?? No way, uh uh, NOT gonna happen! Here’s a pic…roughly the size of half a pen cap! Seriously!!!


(sorry for the fuzzy pic…I was improvising bc my phone is on the fritz)
Anyway!! It has finally gotten to the point that I don’t even try to swallow it; I just chew it.
Of course, it was DISGUSTING at first. But now I’m kinda used to the taste…think of an expired Flinstone’s vitamin (but not a good color).

That got me thinking.

Chewing the pill instead of just not taking it because I couldn’t swallow it, is a lot like how I do everything in life. The “normal” thing doesn’t work, so I MAKE it happen another way.

Enter: IVF.

Some people may think I’m pushing too hard, that I should just relax & “let it happen.”  God’s got a plan… Welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, guess what. Been there, done that. Moving on.
Maybe this IS God’s plan for us…. Maybe we’ll never know…. But I do know this: It’s time for me to take the pills….and CHEW.

IVF: 2nd Round, 1st Appointment Update

Hey guys!
As many of you know, we had our first IVF appointment of the year yesterday! We are starting FRESH. We aren’t bringing anything from last year into this year (except more knowledge than we originally had, and lots of faith)!

I started the morning with a prayer, but it quickly went downhill from there.

I don’t know why I did it, but I scheduled the appointment for the very first minute it was physically possible for me to get there. I had to get up, teach an hour-long fitness class, get home, shower & get ready, & drive 45 minutes to get there for exactly 1pm.  No time cushion. AT. ALL…. WHYY?? Probably because when I made the appointment, I was so eager to get started that I wasn’t thinking straight.

So you can imagine how stressed I was when one of my clients wanted to have an in depth conversation after class about a fundraising project we’re working on. I tried to be nice and politely tell her that I was running late & had to go. But she wouldn’t let up– like in my personal space, walking one step forward for every step I walked back– not letting up. I was a millisecond away from going off (which I’ve NEVER done in front of any of my clients, THANK GOD) when one of my friends & fellow instructor noticed what was happening & quickly stepped in. Without skipping a beat, she stood between us and offered to stay & lock up for me so I could get going since she knew I was in a hurry. And at that very second, I JETTED!  (Thank you SOOO much A!! You know who you are! And you KNOW what a fetch move that was!!!! High 5!)

I’m not even half-way home before I start to feel uber bad about that entire exchange. That client meant well, and honestly didn’t understand what I was saying. But I was still frustrated. Why can’t people ever just take your first answer at face-value? Why isn’t “I don’t have time today, but we will talk later” sufficient? We ALL need to start respecting each other’s time & space more. If you need to really talk to someone, set up a freakin’ meeting. OK- rant over… moving on!! lol

Because I was feeling so bad about all of that, when I got home I decided to hit RESET. I took 3 deep breaths, read a passage from my daily devotional, put on some great music, and hopped into the shower. Ahhhhh….even though I was in a hurry, I knew in that moment that if I just gave it all up to God, He’d take care of me. And guess what…. He DID.

I got ready calmly, and decided to wear the “I have FAITH” necklace (pictured above) that one of my best friends gave me for Christmas this year. It’s a lovely reminder of what life is all about. After all of that, I  even had 2 extra  minutes to make a smoothie. Since I was doing blood work, I was thankful to be able to have something in my system to hold me over until after the appointment. Then I hit the road….[I was driving David’s HUGE truck by the way, because he had a meeting 100 miles away and my car makes better gas mileage (that was a sight)]…and met David at a truck stop on the main highway so we could continue the trek together.

We got there with 5 minutes to spare….God is good!

The appointment itself went really well! Everything was fine with my ultrasound and blood work, and the saline sono hystereogram was perfect. Dr. Lu said it looks like we’re all set to start fresh!!! After meeting with our amazing nurse, we browsed the updated meds lists, found a few contacts, and even met up with some fellow IVFers to purchase their leftover meds. Add ALL of that to all the prep work we did on Tuesday, and we were actually able to get our first round of meds for under $750!!! That is compared to the over $2000 price tag we would’ve faced had we just ordered everything from the pharmacy!! YES!!! We literally saved $1200 by just stepping out of our comfort zone and making a few (what we thought would be) awkward phone calls.  I quickly realized that it wasn’t awkward at all! People are just as eager to sell back their meds and make a little of their money back as we are to buy them for less than market value. It’s a win-win!! Don’t worry, we’ve made all the precautions to make sure this is all real, unused medication 🙂

Before we left the office, we got the dreaded “cost breakdown” for everything. I took a pic of it & posted it at the top of this page. Basically our first payment of over $5k is due when we start the Follistim shots, and the second payment of over $7k is due when one of my follicles starts to measure above 15mm. In an effort to help my friends in the Broken Hearts Club to make informed decisions, I’ll post the breakdown on our Cost Page tonight. (PS- if you’d like to donate to this cause, there’s info about how to do so anonymously at the bottom of that page! Hey…every little bit helps! LOL)

After all that awesomeness, we were still on a happiness high from all the money we saved on the meds, and from our  great meeting with our nurse. So we decided to go get a King Cake for the FINO office…let’s just say…THEY LOVED IT!! And it felt good to do something nice & unexpected for them!

king cake

We grabbed a bite to eat, made a few more med connections while we were in the city, and then headed home.

I’m feeling fine, just kinda tired…probably from that saline sonohysterogram. But all in all, I am ready!! We are ready! And with God in our corner, we WILL conquer this IF!!! Thanks again for all of the comments, prayers, and good wishes y’all are continuing to send our way! I’ll definitely keep y’all updated!!


Medication Organization Preparation

“Medication Organization Preparation” has a nice lil ring to it doesn’t it? LOL


1 spreadsheet
1 notebook
1 call to the insurance company
3 pages of names/numbers/meds
3 calls to the pharmacy
1 fax order totaling over a grand…
1 Tuesday afternoon spent with my lovebug: priceless!!

Hope your Tuesday is slightly less stressful than, but just as beautiful as ours!!

Love y’all!!!

Annnnnnnnnnnd we’re OFF!!!

JANUARY!!! You’re finally here! I am so relieved, anxious, giddy, nervous, encouraged, happy, scared, excited to see you! lol

If you’ve read our blog in the past, you know a few things about us. If you’re new, welcome!!! Please feel free to navigate through all of our tabs (at the top of this page), and read our past posts to kinda get a feel of what’s going on with us!

I think the thing that most of you are curious about is JANUARY. Well, me too!

For the past 4 months, the answer to all of the “what’s next?” questions has been, “We’re starting back up in January!” So, here we are. Let the craziness begin! I’ve decided to keep a running tally of the time, body toll, and money costs of this second IVF journey. You can find my explanation and current January info here. MUCH more will be added after this Thursday’s appointment at FINO I’m sure.

The beginning of this month has been spent setting everything up. Starting my egg harvesting regimen (birth control & aspirin, ironically), tracking down the least expensive avenues of medications, and plenty of calls with our IVF nurse, Mary. By the way, she. is. AMAZING.

The most interesting thing I’ve come across so far is the huge jump in the costs of prescriptions that occurred January 1st. Thanks, Obamacare, ‘ppreciate ya. I found out that my pre-natal vitamins jumped from $50 for one month’s supply to $80. I cancelled the order & called Mary right away to see if she could send me some free samples lol. Instead, she said to try the One-A-Day Women’s DHA vitamins. You have to take two pills every day instead of one; but I was able to get a four-month supply for $54 instead! HOLLA!! Whoop, whoop! Gotta love that.  I also found it very disgusting, I mean, “interesting” that the birth control was FREE, but the vitamins were so expensive. Seriously, do not even get me started on that.

Next on the list, is getting with MDR, the company that Mary orders all the IVF medications from, to make sure their prices haven’t spiked. I was able to get my hands on “The List” this time. You have to know about it & ask for it, but there is a list of all the people who went to FINO, who are selling their leftover medications, with their names, numbers, meds available, and prices. So after my chat with MDR tomorrow, I’m going to scour The List to see if I can possibly save any money that way. Gotta do what ya gotta do, right? RIGHT!

I am DETERMINED to get this right, and to make this our year! God’s Will be done, I am claiming it!

Thanks so much for all the support & prayers, we SOOO appreciate it!  I’ll be updating/posting on this blog a lot more frequently now that there’s so much more information to chat about. So please check back often. Also, to make things easier (and so I don’t feel like I’m hounding you all to read every time I post), you can subscribe to this blog at the bottom of the screen & WordPress will email you to let you know I’ve posted… How cool is that?!?! Gotta love technology 🙂
Later folks!! Thanks for all of the amazing support. KEEP THOSE PRAYERS COMING!!!

Love, Em & David