Quick ART Stats

“We live by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7

Our ART journey at a glance:
{ART= Assisted Reproductive Technology (aka Fertility Treatments)}

2002– We met & fell in love
2005– Got engaged & bought a house
2006– Started a business & got married
2010– Started “not trying to prevent” a pregnancy
2011– Started another business, and started actively trying to conceive
2012– Sought help from our regular OB/GYN- 2 failed IUIs (inter uterine insemination), 1 with & 1 without fertility meds (clomid…ick)
2013– Sought help from FINO (Fertility Institute of New Orleans)-
3 failed IUIs (with injectable meds)
August: 1 failed IVF with a Rescue ICSI (in vitro fertilization, with injectable meds, & emergency intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection).
In the process, we both found a much deeper relationship with God than we ever had before…which we count as a SUCCESS!
February: Fresh IVF with ICSI. Transferred 2 &  froze 8 embryos. Failed.
April: FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer). Transferred 3 frozen embryos. Failed.
May: Feeling stuck. We have 5 embryos left, but we are not feeling the pull to continue going or to stop & take a break. We are stuck.
September: Ready to start again. Endometrial scratching. Started meds for FRET cycle.
October: Continued meds, cycle cancelled day before scheduled FRET due to thinning uterine lining.
November: 5 frozen embryos left, prepping for FRET
December: FRET- two embryos didn’t survive thawing process, two were transferred.
Beta #1: 9.5 (looking for 20! Eek!)
Beta #2: 2.5= 😦 the decreasing number means it was a bio-chemical pregnancy, the earliest form of miscarriage. It will cleanse itself with period.

One. embryo. left.

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  1. Pingback: Processing… | faithinfertile