Soap Box

If you have to post pictures of your gym injuries to prove to everyone that you’re getting fit, you’re doing it wrong.

I believe that there are plenty of safe, healthy ways to lose weight & be active.

I believe that it is possible to strenuously exercise without being injured. And the probability that it will “work” is 100%.

I do NOT believe in the “no pain, no gain” theory.

If you get nervous to go to your workout, if you are physically hurting & in actual PAIN while exercising, if you feel that pictures of your various injuries are the only proof that you are “working hard,” STOP.

Seriously, stop.

It’s called health & WELLNESS for a reason. Whoever came up with the theory that you have to be in physical pain in order to gain a higher level of fitness was simply using good, old fashioned scare tactics to sell a new, trendy, (and dangerous) idea.

The madness will stop.
All you have to do is not buy into it.

***posted on here because, with the nature of my job as a fitness instructor & studio owner, posting this on Facebook would’ve opened a huge can of worms. BUT I JUST NEEDED TO GET THAT OUT!!***

OK birthday candles, do your thing!

Welp. This is it. My very last day in my 20s. To say I’m not where I imagined I’d be in my life on my 30th birthday eve is an understatement. From a young age I always had this feeling, … Continue reading